Stop Texting….It’s time to talk

“Our phones are not accessories, but psychologically potent devices that change not just what we do but who we are.” (Turkle,SEPT. 26, 2015). Such a profound statement.I did not have a phone for over a week and I literally felt like I was going to lose it. I was forced to use landlines and could not text during the day. Facebook is blocked at work and I felt like I was out of the loop on many things.  I know I sound like I am exaggerating but it was a tough 9 days.

Thinking about the power of texting and the power to connect to many people at a moments notice does affect how you so things on a daily basis. During that 9 day period of not having a cell I actually had some great conversations that made me realize just how out of the loop I was on real issues and real life events. Facebook is a different world from real life. Many times you see only a small fraction of what is really happening.

My husband is not much of a techy person and does not rely on the internet or social networking for anything. He is the type that can go days without texting and I can understand his frustrations when I text him while I am in the same house. Most upsetting to him is when I am texting while we are watching a movie with the kids.

phone memes

We need to start looking at ways to start talking face to face more often. We lose the emotional connection when we constantly text someone and not talk to the. We need to find that balance in everyday life where we substitute talking for texing and having real life conversations. Balance is key.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Hi Celia! Over the summer when my cell phone was not working properly and I was not receiving my texts I felt a bit lost. Texting does provide you the power to connect to many people at a moments notice. Many of my friends and I like texting each other because we can leave one another a message and everyone can respond when they have time. When I want to have a long conversation with family or friends we always call or Facetime each other. I agree that people need to start talking face to face and having conversations. It is important to have emotional connections with others. As you mentioned we do need to find a balance!

    1. Yes I hated not having my phone especially when I was travelling late and alone. At least when I travel a long stretch where there is no cell service I let my spouse know that I am travelling over here. If you do not hear from me after a certain amount of time come look for me. lol This happens on our drive home which is about 120 km of no cell service on a gravel road.

  2. It would be stressful having no cell service when having to travel on a gravel road for a long period of time, especially during the winter months. That is a good idea to give your spouse the heads up when you are leaving so they know your on the road and when they should expect you to come home. It would make me feel more safe knowing that a loved one knows to come look for me if I am later than expected

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